There are several areas to concider when building a character, physical, mental, and spiritual.
You can use several methods of character development but I found that doing all 4 listed below created a more in depth
1. Use a D and D chart
2. Write a biography
3. Write a psych evaluation
4. Use a chart you developed yourself.
I have sheets I developed from the various sources I could find . Visit my WHITE PAGES to get to them Below is a link
to names lists on another page.
Please see my White Pages for sheets you can use.
There are a few things you have to concider when making a background character. You don't have to be as indepth, but having
some information can help the situation along.
Things to concider:
1. Appearance
2. Personality
3. Relationship to your characters
4. Place in the story
5. Importance
6. Usefulness
7. Allegience
8. Family Connections.
You can do the same charts for a non essential character as you can for a main character. Its your choice.
There are a few things you have to concider when making a background character. You don't have to be as indepth, but
having some information can help the situation along. This level character can be absolutely flat.
Things to concider:
1. Appearance
2. Personality
3. Relationship to your characters
4. Place in the story
5. Importance
6. Usefulness
7. Allegience
You can do the same charts for a non essential character as you can for a main character. Its your choice.
Below are links to useful things I have stored on this site for character building.